Pilot Project 4.1.2
Preservation and digital enhancement of tangible and intangible sources
(oral, dialectal, sonic, visual and audiovisual) related
to the processes of construction
of territorial identities in the Lucanian areas
(oral, dialectal, sonic, visual and audiovisual) related
to the processes of construction
of territorial identities in the Lucanian areas
PP 4.1.2 focuses on the preservation, accessibility and dissemination of tangible and intangible sources (oral, dialectal, sonic, visual and audiovisual) related to the Lucanian territorial identities, with an interest in cultural, historical, artistic, linguistic traditions, to bring out and enhance the peculiarities of territories emerging from history, figurative and performing art, local customs, popular and linguistic traditions.
Specific goals are:
to develop IT and methodological tools for digital preservation, accessibility and dissemination of tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage (CH);
to create and promote environmentally sustainable, experiential cultural routes, based on the construction of territorial identities;
to create tools and strategies for the valorisation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage that takes into account the specific characteristics of individual territories, in a cultural, social and economic development perspective;
to develop integrated approaches for the preservation, the social sharing and enhancement of tangible and intangible CH, in order to improve the sustainability and accessibility of internal areas and small towns, and to prevent depopulation.